Provideam v4.13 Released

January 16, 2017

Provideam v4.13 is now available for download. In this release we have fixed a number of small bugs, introduced a new Dashboard Calendar/Filter tool, and added an option to create Static Custom Functions.

A summary of new features; 

OEE Dashboard:

  • New Calendar/Filter Tool

The screenshot above shows the Advanced Calendar/Filter Tool on the OEE Dashboard. This filter will return all records for the current Month which have the LotName = ‘Lot_113’

OEE Manual Entry:

  • New Calendar/Filter Tool

OEE Reports:

  • Added the ability to create Static Custom Functions. A Static Custom Function allows you to create a column on the Report whose values are derived from a Conditional Statement applied to another column. For example, IF value in MachineName column = ‘AssemblyMC1 THEN Static Function = X, ELSE IF value in MachineName column = ‘AssemblyMC2’ THEN Static Function = Y.

The screenshot above shows the Custom Static Function ‘OEE Target’ used to format the ‘OEE’ Column. The ‘OEE Target’ column takes a value 22.0 when the MachineName is ‘AssemblyMC1’, and 28.0 when the MachineName is ‘AssemblyMC2’.


We hope you will find these new features very useful. For more information see the Revision History Table on the downloads page.

If you have any suggestions or comments for future versions please share them with us.

January 16, 2017
Paul Mitchell